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My Wildlife in Watercolours

Honeysuckle Harebell

Updated: Mar 22, 2024

watercolour illustration of a garden
"Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet " Gerard Manley Hopkins

I thought I'd share some watercolours I've done, inspired by the wildlife in the garden.Right now the garden is bursting into life again, the sun is shining and the birds are all twitterpated ! I hope you like the illustrations and maybe it will inspire you to start your own wildlife diary or try your hand at doing some watercolours.

watercolour illustration of a Swallow

The Swallows have arrived!

Every year they turn up around the 10th April and I'm so delighted to see them.

watercolour painting of a Hedgehog
Spike the Hedgehog

Quite unexpectedly, two orphan Hoglets appeared out of the old coal bunker in the garden. I called them Spike & Sally. Unfortunately Sally disappeared but we managed to rescue Spike and took him to a local rescue centre. I painted his portrait.

p.s. There is now a new kid on the block. His name is Snuffles .

watercolour painting of a Bluetit sitting amongst the blossom of a damson Tree
Bluetit in the Damson Tree

So many baby birds this year. I love painting birds especially ones nobody notices very much, like Sparrows.

Watercolour study of a House Sparrow
House Sparrow

small illustration of a black caterpillar
Peacock Caterpillar

Spotted a black caterpillar on the path. It will grow up to be a Peacock Butterfly. How magical is that!

Watercolour illustration of a Comma Butterfly

Did the Big Butterfly Count as usual . Lots of Gatekeepers and Commas about this year.

watercolour illustration of Holly Blue Butterfly
Holly Blue Butterfly

Holly Blue, one of my favourites.

I also spotted some amazing dragonflies cruising up and down the garden path and one was asleep in the sweet peas so am going to have to paint him a t some point.

Watercolour illustration of Bullfinch
Male Bullfinch

Very lucky to have lots of wildlife visiting the garden and am always so pleased to welcome new visitors .A pair of Bullfinch were newcomers this year and were actually quite brave staying on the bird table for ages.

Meanwhile in the vegetable & herb garden there as mixed success. Good potatoes, garlic, tomatoes & beans as usual , however, I planted lots of seeds and then something quite different popped up instead. Onions turned into Marigolds, Courgette turned into Squash and the best tomatoes appeared instead of Cosmos!

watercolour illustration of herb planter
Flavour of the Day

I was beaten once again to the strawberries & blueberries by the Blackbirds! 'You're very welcome' she mutters begrudgingly under her breath.

watercolour illustration of Strawberries in a colander
Strawberry Colander

Till next time, look after your lovely elves! Keep looking for the magic x

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